How Photobiomodulation can be used to treat animals.

Dog on a rug

How does it work?

Photobiomodulation, sometimes called cold laser therapy or red light therapy, harnesses the power of light to stimulate cellular activity and circulation, and promote healing. This treatment technique is non-invasive and painless and has shown remarkable results in addressing various ailments in animals.

How can it help my pet?

Pain Management: This modality is very useful in alleviating pain. It reduces inflammation and triggers the release of endorphins, providing relief from painful, chronic conditions, such as osteoarthritis.

Accelerating Healing: By increasing blood flow around an affected area and promoting tissue repair, this modality speeds up the healing process.

Reducing Inflammation: Inflammatory conditions can significantly impact an animal’s quality of life. This modality mitigates inflammation at a cellular level, providing relief from conditions like tendonitis and inflammatory joint diseases.

Enhancing Mobility: Animals that suffer from musculoskeletal conditions often experience a reduction in mobility. This modality can help to improve joint flexibility and muscle function, allowing your pet to move with increased comfort and ease.

Reduced Medication Dependency: This modality is a complementary treatment, and in some cases, can reduce the reliance on medications for pain management. This can be particularly beneficial for pets with chronic conditions, minimising potential side effects that may result from the long-term use of pain medications.

How can I find out more?

To learn more about photobiomodulation and the range of other modalities we use, or to book a consultation, get in touch and we can have a chat about your animal’s needs!

Here at All Creatures, we are passionate about improving your best friend’s quality of life. With your help, we can make a difference for animals in pain – we’d love to hear from you! 🐾🐾